
My first expression of foods in NY

I have lost 7lb (about 3 kg ) since I came to NY. The reason for the loss is that I did not know what foods to eat. I'm not a picky eater, I am just trying to eat healthy foods. I still do not know what food is good to eat.

My first expression of foods in NY is that

(1)A lot of foods are bigger than in Japan
(2)seasoned with more salty and more sugar
(3)Contains more artificial coloring

(1)A lot of foods are bigger than Japan
When I visit grocery stores, some vegetable are bigger than in Japan. There are an astonishingly big eggplants, strawberries, and green peppers in stores.

The portions in fast food are also bigger than in Japan. I was surprised by the large size of juice bottle.

(2)seasoned with more salty and more sugar
I found that most Japanese foods are lightly seasoned. Most foods seasoning in the US which I have eaten are too strong for me. I should look for lightly seasoned foods in US.

(3)Contains more artificial coloring
I was astonished by a blue cake I saw. I have never seen a blue color cake in Japan. Not only the blue color cake, but also other foods seem more artificially colored.

Anyway, I have to adjust to the foods in the US.

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